Maze Disaster
Hey kids! I know that this blog has already provided you with so many invaluable life lessons, but somehow I’m back with yet another tool to help all of you deal with the many dangers surrounding you:
"FEMA Disaster Preparedness Maze"
I hope that you all take the time to figure out how to find your way through this very realistic and accurate drill. You never know when the “real thing” could happen.
If you helped “Freddy FEMA” make it home, consider yourself ready to face the most commonly occurring and dangerous threats plaguing our country today:
1) Low-hanging power lines
3) Dangerously leaning buildings
4) Sailboats in the middle of the road
Stay Safe! Keep Nodding!
"FEMA Disaster Preparedness Maze"
I hope that you all take the time to figure out how to find your way through this very realistic and accurate drill. You never know when the “real thing” could happen.
If you helped “Freddy FEMA” make it home, consider yourself ready to face the most commonly occurring and dangerous threats plaguing our country today:
1) Low-hanging power lines
3) Dangerously leaning buildings
4) Sailboats in the middle of the road
Stay Safe! Keep Nodding!
I know it took all your strength not to mention:
5) Hawk Attack!
Anonymous, at 4:54 PM
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