What Did You Change It To?

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Placards and Bug Spray

War protesters left their campsite in a field near President Bush's ranch Sunday, vowing to return during Easter for a third vigil if U.S. troops are still in Iraq. Alan promised that he would not forget the marshmallows again if the third vigil does in fact take place. However, all protesters agreed that they would prefer the safe return of all U.S. troops over sharing delicious s’mores.


The following mental images should be hilarious to those who know me personally.

Tonight I took my first Bikram Yoga class. For those of you who don't know what Bikram Yoga is, it is standing in a 900 degree room filled with sports bras, being asked to smile while also being asked to stretch and twist in impossible ways for 90 minutes while Satan laughs at you. Surpisingly, I had to take a couple of breaks.

While I waited for my girlfriend to get changed after class, I overheard another student tell Nick, our instructor, "I've been studying this for about four or five months and I've never worked out like that. That was really hard." Nick, (who had already identified me as a new-comer) then looked over at me with a smile and asked, "How are we holding up, Joe?" I replied by throwing up.



Yesterday's classic movie quote was from...Back to the Future Part II.

James Woods did not submit a guess this week. Only "Maggie" guessed correctly. What does this mean? "Maggie" has killed James Woods.


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