What Did You Change It To?

Friday, November 04, 2005

Nanas and Nuts

Last week's classic movie quote was from...Back to the Future Part II.

The only person who was correct was "Maggie." The rest of you should bow down before her. You are all very welcome for what I'm sure was an amazing week filled with tension, nail-biting, and blog-checking. This blog, and the movie trivia game existing within it may be my greatest contribution to society.


I fell off of the bloggosphere last week. When this all started my parents said that I wasn't ready for the responsibility of a blog, and they were right. I got so swept up with Halloween, homecoming stuff, and my karate classes that I totally neglected my blog. When I came to my blog to check it today, it wouldn't even come near me. It yapped it's head off and snapped at me when I tried to share my thoughts and dreams with the world.

I guess what I'm trying to say is...you were right, Mom and Dad. Please give me one more chance. I can prove to you guys, and Grandpa, that I can handle this responsibility.


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