
Kelly. Kelly. This is not funny. This is only funny to you and Derek. And I'm not even sure it's really that funny to you, if you really think about it. You don't have to do every stupid thing Derek tells you to do.
I'm not saying you're stupid, D. This is tenth grade. We're sophomores now, OK? Let's act mature. It doesn't seem like a big deal year, but I think it is. A lot of colleges are starting to look at tenth grade. Seriously.
Give me my lunch bag. Just give it.

Kelly! Goddammit! I feel my blood sugar dropping already!
Let's think about the weekend, right guys? Who's psyched about the three day weekend?
There's egg salad in there. Your locker will reek.
OK, guys. I'm heading to class. I'm not gonna turn around. I'm not even gonna say anything to Mrs. Crawford. I'm just gonna sit down and hope that my lunch bag is just placed on the book rack under my chair.

Au revoir.
bitchin post, joe. i took spanish in high school though, so i sort of substituted spanish for french when i was reading your story. we even had honors spanish three, of which i used to go to that class after lunch and sleep. i didnt learn anything. this teacher, mr. cervantes, hated me.
have a good weekend.
Anonymous, at 4:33 PM
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