What Did You Change It To?

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Now I Am Going to Start Blogging, For Real

Somehow the world survived the fact that I waited more than a month between my first and second blog posts.

I promise to never do that to you again, Internet.

Text-Based Cat Cartoon #1

A weary, sad-eyed woman, hands on her hips, looks deep into the eyes of her companion. He has tipped over a once-beautiful glass vase filled with flowers. Water pours down the living room counter. The vase, obviously a cherished possession, possibly even a family heirloom, lies fractured in jagged pieces. The companion looks up at this woman with a face filled with regret. He holds a single flower clenched in his teeth, and through his desperate eyes we can almost hear his thoughts:

COMPANION: "We both know I'm too cute to be mad at."

The companion is a cat.

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